EC mixing apparatus - steam + water mixing for pressure water cycles

  The EC-mixing apparatus is installed into the pressure water cycle, so that its housing is flowed through equal an extended piping directly by the circulating water. A steam cartridge which is adjustable, is centrically situated in the EC-mixing apparatus. The cone form within the leaking out area and the holes arranged there form an optimal mixing area.
By the inlet pipe steam is pressed into the cartridge. The heating quantity which is necessarily for the heating process is supplied through the holes in the cartridge to the circulating water by the steam pressure and the suction.
With a spindle the cartridge in the mixing apparatus can be axially shifted; the water rate can be adjusted in such a way that an optimal steam accommodation take place and noise will be minimized.

  • fast heating
  • adjustable mixing zone
  • noiseless operation


EC-mixing appartus

 Function - Steam water mixing


Prinzip Mischapparat

Dimension approximate values EC-MISCHAPPARAT